
Showing posts from August, 2014

Day 25 (30 days of Reinvention) Reach Out and Inspire Someone

Day 24 (30 days of reinvention) Write your Eulogy

Day 23 (30 days of reinvention) Share gratitude with 30 people

Day 22 (30 Days of Reinvention) Listen to an inspiring CD

Day 21 (30 days of reinvention) Face your Fears

Day 20 (30 days of reinvention) Share your deeper WHY

My love for you

Day 18 (30 Days of Reinvention) Share your intention

Day 16 (30 Days of reinvention) Decide WHAT you want most...

Heat and Sweet - embrace the dualities of life...

Day 15 (30 days of reinvention) Create a new vision board

Finding pupose

The meaning of life

Day 13 (30 days of reinvention) Create physical energy

Day 12 (30 Days of Reinvention) Pour yourself into others

Day 11 (30 days of reinvention) Get rid of 80% of your stuff

Day 10 (30 days of reinvention) What you FOCUS on expands

Day 9 (30 days of reinvention) Meditate

Day 8 (30 days of reinvention) Create 3 new success habits

Day 7 (30 days of reinvention) READ

Day 6 (30 days of reinvention) Live your Passion

Day 5 (30 days of reinvention) Avoid energy suckers

Day 4: (30 days of reinvention) study the successful ones

Day 3 (30 days of reinvention) Goal Setting

Day 2: reinvention - Make a list of your obstacles

DAY 1: Decide what you want most...