
Showing posts from 2016


Be What you Seek

Your light

Everyone is a teacher



Hold onto your Vision

What are you waiting for?

1 + 1 = 11

Let it go

Don't be Right!



Release the Fear

Where are you heading?

What if?

Lift others up

When things don't go as planned

Live your vision

Move one step closer

How did you love?

What are you still resisting?

Be the joy

Create your own story

Do what you love

Release the light.

Your last breath

The time you have left

Making a difference

Carve out the time

Where is the Joy?

Make the main thing - the main thing

Believe in the unseen

Who are you in this moment?

Become the love you are seeking

How do you let go to let the love in?

Keep climbing...

Rise above it

Do it for you.

Let it all go

TGIM: Thank God I'm Motivated