Day 10 (30 days to freedom) Interview 5 freedom creators

Steve Jobs said it well - good artists copy but great artists steal. Translated - you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You just need to focus on what you love to do so much that it gets you leaping out of bed we call that passion. You don't have to know all the HOWs you just need to focus on being of service to others and making a contribution to their lives, we call that having a purpose

For those of you that wish to become more than you currently are then this message is for you. You are greater than your current circumstances, your current job, career and financial situation. You are  simply where you are only because of the thoughts, actions and choices you decided to make years ago. These daily actions have created a habitual way of being for you. Anyone can change their current circumstances if they have a desire to. Everything you want to create, be and do has already been created by someone. They have already invested the 10,000plus hours failing, failing again and eventually failing better. 

Today, seek out 5 freedom creators - Ie. Angels and I.  These are everyday people that have learned how to take money out of the equation and create a lifestyle that allows them to live their passions and purpose. 


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