Fear is a choice

There is so much untapped potential inside of you. Perhaps you have an untold story, an unrealized idea that would change us all? Perhaps there is someone that needs to hear that you love them. Is there a song inside of you that needs to come out? Most of us hold ourselves back for fear of the unknown or for failure. What will people think of you? There are hundreds of messages that your inner voice is telling you. Messages like; "play it safe or just remain in your comfort zone." 

What ever is holding you back from stepping into the greatest chapter of your life is simply a story that you have been telling yourself repeatedly. You no longer have to wait and be a spectator of everyone else's life. The key is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Fear will always be present in our lives. We have conditioned ourselves to live with fear. The great artists are the ones that are aware of the fear but they allocate way more energy towards creating their art and stepping into new areas of discomfort. They fail, fail again and then fail better. They pick themselves up, dust themselves off and learn from the failure. They readjust their strategy and their target by getting more creative. If you have not fallen you have not challenged your potential. If you're not failing, you are not seeing the doors of possibility. These new doors of opportunity become present when you take action and believe in yourself. 

Fear is simply a story we self-create in our minds. See fear as an energy. You will always have a choice to feed the fear, give it thoughts and allow it to control and consume you or you can ground yourself in the present moment and face it head on. All you have is this moment. Think about it, your past has passed and the future hasn't made it's way to you just yet no matter how much you think about it. What you do have is this moment to live, create, take chances and ask yourself what if? 

You know how to play it safe, you've done it well your whole life. You know that there is something more exciting on the other side waiting to be explored. You  are becoming aware of a deeper passion and you are ready to define a purpose for yourself. You are ready to define yourself, challenge the status quo and make your mark on this world. This is your time to shine, your time to challenge yourself and to face the fears that have been holding you back. Ask yourself, What Have I Got to Win?


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