Gerry is coming to the Big Screen

A producer known for doing big shows like Canadian Idol asked to shoot a pilot of my business partner (AKA The Former Wife) and I at our office. A day in the life of Gerry and Jean Visca in the Redchairs. How do we do it? How do we co-exist? How do the new partners in our lives (one working in the same office by the way!) get together for dinner? The day consisted of cameras, interviews, lots of action, smiles from Emily (aka my GF who works in the office) in the distance....The pilot ended with an interview of Jean and I talking about how much we appreciate our partners, how lucky we feel, what we love most about this whole situation and what still pisses us off. At the end of the day, we are only human. We hope to see this new reality series on air in the New Year either on CBC or The Women's Network.


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