Do you really want to know?

Do you really want to know?

Why are you truly here, now, in this place at this point in time? 
It’s a great question to kick off this journey. Then again, it’s the only question in the end that truly matters.  

Why not invest the time now to truly uncover the answer? 

What I know for certain is seconds before our death, a higher source reveals the answer in all its glory.  

What follows all depends on how you chose to step into and live this question in the present.  

So, like every human being on the planet, you have a choice to uncover the answer to the universe’s most profound question.  “Why am I here?” 

It’s the foundation of all questions and the access to every answer that follows.   

How much longer will you dodge this bullet? Will you wait until the end or will you choose to really start living through it? 

We’re the only species that’s been given the greatest gift. The privilege and the ability to ask and live this one question. “Why am I here?”

You’ll soon realize that a ‘noisy’ world filled with theme parks, surgery treats and shopping malls cannot give you the answer.   

Think about all the time you have walked this earth. Where did all of your life force flow? How much energy was allocated towards climbing the mountain of success? 

If you’re fortunate you might be granted another gift of experiencing 70 summers in your lifetime. 

Imagine savouring every delicious moment with a new found awareness of your life’s true purpose.  

So, do you really want to answer the question “Why am I here?” It will require a new form of conscious thinking.  

Like anything worth pursuing it may create new levels of discomfort. But here’s the thing, if you keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing you’ll continue living with the same results.  

You don’t exist to simply pay the bills. You don’t need “more stuff” to occupy the limitless space of your mind. You are a being of light and possibility. Say that five times fast! 

Let the world’s fill your heart and soul. Know that you’re not alone on this wondrous journey.  

So, park the SUV in someone else’s 3-car garage. Begin removing all the layers of complexity you’ve unconsciously built. Wrap yourself with the greatest “unwrapped” gift of all time. 

Begin living with a deeper sense of purpose. Bask in the sunlight of knowing “Why you are here.”   


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