What if you Remembered?

I can imagine the feeling when all of us remember our true calling in this world. 

There is something far greater that surrounds us. We only need to believe that we are all meant for more.

A lifetime ago, our deeper purpose was imprinted in our cells. This "light" has never left our "being."

You felt this "gift" wrapping you around the age of 6. Somewhere along your journey, you forgot your way. Your "true gifts" remain unwrapped and dwell in the shadows of unrealized possibility. 

Like most people, you've allowed the delusion of society to convince you of what is "real". You've lost sight of what truly matters. Your inner light will ignite your burning desire (your passion).

When you present your gift to others you are living your true purpose and you create the meaningful outcomes that your soul is seeking.

We are here for a finite moment in time. Our deeper reason for being is to help one another "Remember Why" we exist. 

This deeper calling to your light does not exist in the realm of doing and achieving more. It lives through a deeper love for yourself, for every living thing and everyone around you.

I can imagine the feeling of everyone returning to their light.
I cam imagine the feeling of Remembering Why. 


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