Thank God you're motivated

TGIM: Thank God I'm Motivated has become a new mantra and a way of being for me for the past several years.  Every Monday I kick off the week with explosive amounts of energy, creativity and [focus]. I love starting each week with this kind of ignition for the life I'm creating.  While the world taps the snooze button for the 3rd time, dreading the Monday commute, I'm on fire for all the possibility and potential that this day has.  

I know it sounds a bit over the top right but hell, I'm only here for a short while so I want to make the most out of it.  What's your Monday MOJO? What's going to start lighting a fire under you? What ritual or habit do you need to cultivate knowing that it's going to lead to greater levels of personal fulfillment in your life?

Hey I've got mine so now it's time to help you work on yours.  At first it may seem a bit overwhelming but that's the thing about positive change and progress.  It's like cranking an old water pump at the cottage, remember those?  After the first 10 pumps, nothing but then eventually the water just comes rushing out and keeping the momentum going is effortless.  Here's the great thing about being motivated, especially on a Monday. It doesn't matter where you've been or whats happened to you up to this point.  The only thing that's going to move you forward and shoot you out of a cannon is the direction that you plan on heading in.    Today's your day to light the fuse.  So let's get started and commit to moving one momentum habit forward, I know you've got it in you.  


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