If I...would you...

If I were to show you how to create your desired life would you allocate the time in creating it? If I were to to give you the keys to opening up your heart would you cross the threshold? If I were to show you the way towards unconditional love would you allow yourself to receive it? 
If I were to show you how to become what you are seeking would you take the time to see it? 
If I would ignite the deeper why that lives inside of you, your passion and purpose would you spend the rest of your days living it? 
If I would help you create a new ROI for the world, one where we Reach Out and Inspire others, would you lift others up? 

It's far to easy to go about our lives doing the same thing over and over expecting things to change when all we need to be is the change that we are seeking.  You have everything inside of you to make a real and profound difference in your life and in the lives of others. 

If you are ready to take that step we would follow you. 
Gerry Visca - Inspiring 1 Million Whys 


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