Just show up

You have to be the one that decides what you want most. You have to be the one that takes action and believes in you and your dream. Sometimes it's just a matter of showing up, being present for your life. Great things happen when you just show up. Great opportunities present themselves. The doors of opportunity are all around you waiting for you to cross the threshold.  They show up in the most magical way but you have to be there for the doors to open. Taking action starts by you committing to change in your life. Hey I get it, it's far easier to hide from life and miss the big show of you. It's easy to succumb to the comfort of 'someday' that's just your rational mind wanting you to stay small. But you're bigger than that, you know you are and you know you are meant for great things. Today is here, it's now and in this moment that you find and define yourself, sometimes it's just a matter of showing up. 


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