Surrounded by Success

There are those that lift you up just by being surrounded by their energy and then there are those that literally can suck you dry and they don't even know it. The world has a way of throwing a lot of energy and people your way that have a tendency to want to hold you down from soaring. I have often written that it takes a defying gravity type of attitude to rise above these ankle biters. You have to believe that in your heart you are truly meant for more. You are here on this glorious planet at this point in time to contribute your unique gifts with the world. When you start to believe that you are connected to something bigger than yourself then you will attract the people that have a keen desire to help you fulfill your dreams. 

The key to greater happiness and fulfillment is to surround yourself with success. Seek out those that help insulate you from the dream stealers. Bask in their light and in their belief in you.


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