Stop waiting for someday
Tell me if this sounds familiar to you. Someday I will have the time.
Someday I will have the debt paid off. Someday I will meet the love of my life.
Someday I will have enough money to do what I am dreaming of doing now. Someday I will focus on me.
Someday I will create my own company.
Someday I will feel worthy to receive love.
Someday I will forgive others.
Someday I will stop being afraid. Someday I will read that book.
Someday I will complete that project. Someday I will be seen by my boss. Someday I will land that perfect job. Someday I will be discovered...
What if that someday was taken away? Your someday is NOW, here in this present moment. This is your one and only someday and when you add them all up you will live a remarkable life today.
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