Maintain momentum

You are being challenged right now more than ever. You're being faced with some of the toughest challenges. It's making you question your very reason for being. It feels like the universe is throwing a whole new set of challenges at you. For the past year or so, you've been up to NEW things and finally living with greater awareness for how you want to be in this world. You have adopted a new mindset for what is truly possible for you. This is your greatest race, the biggest chapter of your life is now unfolding. You may feel alone and tremendous discomfort. You have arrived. Your greatest level of growth is about to blossom. You need to stay the course, dance your dance and sing your song. Your art will move mountains and touch so many lives. It's to easy to give up, that's what most people do but not you. 

You have a deeper sense of belief in yourself. You feel more awake and your senses are more alive. You no longer want to be told what to do and how to feel. You're ready to set your own sail and chart your own path. You feel so alive and you want to challenge the status quo and yourself. You have never pushed yourself in this way and yet you are still here creating, innovating and pushing beyond the pain. Others around you still don't get you and that's brilliant because they don't need to. You are the only one that needs to see and believe it.

Maintain momentum and start paddling downstream. Remove all of the barriers and the energy that no longer serve you. Surround yourself with people that want to see you succeed. Here's the thing, it's not where you currently are that matters but the direction that you are continually focused on heading in.  


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