Red Tip: Your mission in life is the one you give yourself

Next Thursday TANK:
Burlington - Jan.24. 2013 6:00 - 9:00pm.  551 Maple Ave, Burlington - second floor party room. 

Niagara - Jan.24.2013 6:00 - 9:00pm. St. Catharines Museum & Welland Canals Centre 1932 Welland Canals Parkway St. Catharines, ON L2R 7K6

Edmonton - Feb.18, 2013 6:00 - 9:00pm Edmonton Petroleum Club – Cellar Room

Red Tip – Your mission is what you say it is.

When I first meet a client I ask them to contemplate the following questions: “What do you want to create in this lifetime and what do you want to be remembered for?” Recognize that your purpose and mission in life is the mission that you decide to give yourself. If you decide that you will inspire others to action then that is exactly what you will do. So many people that I inspire ask me: “How does one uncover their life purpose?” The moment you start to live these questions you are becoming aware of your hidden potential. So many of us are unaware of this process and go on with our daily rituals and habits. Years pass by and eventually comfort and fear sets in and we miss out on all of the possibilities in life. If you have never fallen then you have never challenged your potential. Whether you are an entrepreneur, defyeneur, student or a corporate executive, the key to defining your mission is to start now. Take a blank sheet of paper and write along the top, the following words: “This is my mission”….and fill in the blank. In 2008 after leading an award-winning branding agency, I gave myself a new mission: “To creatively inspire 1 million people to action”. I lived with these questions for several months: “What is my purpose and how can I serve others.” Every day I stepped deeper into these big questions, trusting that the HOW would eventually present itself. I can sum up this process into three simple words: Imagine, believe and act. The moment you imagine your mission you have already created it. Next, is believing, and trusting in your bigger ‘self’ with a strong sense of knowing. Lastly, you must take action. Recognize that without action there can be no reaction. I have applied this creative approach to thousands of individuals and hundreds of corporations who have a desire to uncover, unfold and communicate their mission with greater purpose. “He who knows his WHY can bear any how – Nietzsche, German Philosopher.

Join me and a cast of DEFYENEURS™ at the next TANK on Thursday January 24th, 2013 for an evening of inspired thinking. This TANK includes a special evening dedicated to helping individuals GET CLEAR on what they want to create most in 2013. This will be a SOLD-OUT evening, so please book your hot seat by January 15 by emailing
for the Burlington TANK and for the Niagara TANK. Inquire today about a monthly DEFYENEURS™ membership at designed to help you stay the course and build new levels of inspiration throughout 2013. A DEFYENEURS™ membership provides you with reserved seating at monthly TANKS. You are receiving this email directly from Gerry Visca.


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