The Laws of Innovation
For the past year I have delivered well over 50 talks on Creativity and Branding with a focus on helping people harness their inner creativity. There is no question that I have helped thousands of people ignite new ideas. Creativity is a key ingredient to innovation and Innovation can be defined as problem solving through insight and creativity. My high energy approach during key notes and Boot Camps is designed to spark inspiration, imagination and inspired action. I don't just talk to to audience, I roll up my sleeves and engage the audience as an active participant helping each and everyone get the best out of themselves. You will typically leave a talk never remembering any of the content that a speaker says so I want you to remember the way you felt! I want to get your mojo going and ignite your imagination to action.
IBM CEO recently quoted that anyone in business needs to innovate even more so to thrive in this new market. Businesses must innovate in their approach, their technologies and in their processes.
For the past several months I have been diligently working on a new presentation that I unveiled last week to the Ontario Chambers of Commerce heads titled GET INNOVATIVE, the laws of Innovation designed to to build innovative cultures. For the past 10 years, my partners and I have promoted ourselves as The World's Creative Think Tank with a mission of helping our clients innovate and create new ideas. I am so pleased to officially release my new world-class presentation GET INNOVATIVE. The talk is designed as a key note and/or a full day Innovation Boot Camp complete with worksheets. The focus is strategic and inspiring targeting innovative potential in organizations. It is essential that teams come together now even more than ever and continually collaborate on creatively inspiring one another.
Innovation is inspired by ambition and it begins with optimism. So as I continue to excite new audiences to action I will focus on cultivating possibilities and belief in progress as a new form of leadership. If you are a leader now is your time to lead with innovation. Your team awaits your call and your fighting spirit. Your mood is the outlook! Innovation begins with optimism and it starts with you.
My Ten Laws of Innovation can be summarized as follows:
- Define innovation within your organization
- Never quite the Big Idea
- Create Market Opportunities - Drive the Change
- Apply BIG THINK Concepts
- Communicate like a Champion
- Cultivate a Culture of Innovation
- Engage Others
- Build the Brand Experience
- Back to Basics
- Get Thin on Innovation
Boot Camps and Key notes are booking up for 2010, so contact the NSB at and let me know what works best for you. I look forward to helping you GET INNOVATIVE.
Thank you for reading.
Gerry Visca
Canada's Creative Coach
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